Why A Team Atmosphere Is Proving Essential At Audiologic

Why a team atmosphere is proving essential here at Audiologic, along with a dose of energy, enthusiasm, and good humour …

Kamil Hamidou – Marketing Coordinator
I might be an outlier, but my last few months have not been that different. I have been working from home full-time since October last year, so I had everything I needed to hit the ground running from day one of lockdown. However, it would be a lie to say I don’t miss my regular trips to the office, having in-person meetings with our partners or catching up with the warehouse guys.
Audiologic went into lockdown with the aim to continue providing training, to propagate knowledge and best practices. We have continued to hold our own courses in the form of webinars and shared training opportunities offered by our partners. Video conferencing technology is at a point where most of these opportunities can be moved online.
Our aim is to continue to do so and improve. We are adding the finishing touches to our new website that will serve as a hub for all our training, information, and content. This will allow our marketing team to share even more informative content with the whole industry, and as time goes on, we’ll be able to share this content in person once again.
Dave Smith – Senior Business Manager
It seems a lifetime ago when I received a call at a suppliers office to instruct me that the team were not to attend further meetings until further notice. As we travelled home that afternoon our thoughts were certainly not in their usual place! – What would the next few weeks and months look like? And what would days at home offices consist of ? First thoughts were to ensure that everyone kept involved and part of ‘Team Audiologic’ , to that end Zoom calls featured, including folk on ‘furlough’- it has been vital to keep the team as one and to break the daily routine.
We used time wisely as customers faced their own issues , using technology at our disposal to hold virtual meetings with many of them – Back to back meetings all day long have maintained our productivity Suppliers have provided content via training webinars and Zoom Calls, the team will emerge from lockdown better informed and knowledgeable than ever before! As we see the first stages in the return from lockdown I believe that we will come out stronger and wiser than before it. Lives will change somewhat – possibly for the better, more conference calls and less time parked on motorways is a life lesson that we should heed!
Has it been easy? – No. Has it been challenging? – Yes. Has it been positive ? .. Yes – We learn from the experience and shape the future for ourselves and Audiologic. Finally – We might not have been together in person but at Audiologic we are never apart in spirit.

Ben Spurgeon – Senior Application Manager
I’ve always said I’d be against working from home, but the current situation seems to be proving otherwise. As a team, we’ve been having open Zoom calls all day which have been both great fun and super collaborative.
As with the rest of the company, the team feels closer than ever. We’ve also launched our ‘Audio fundamentals’ webinar which I’ve been presenting for the last few weeks. We’ve had over 200 sign-ups with attendees from all walks of the industry and corners of the world! The webinars have been great fun and we can’t wait to develop more content.
It’s safe to say the one thing we all miss as a team is making a lot of noise. Now that we’re getting back to offering our commissioning services, we can’t wait to get back hands-on with some of our kit. (As for the home haircuts, these are still very much a work in progress….)
Richard Minter – Procurement Manager
As I normally work half the week from home, the initial period of lockdown wasn’t a real concern to me, as time went on however there more & more occasions when I could have done with being in the office, but on average I get more work done without the distractions that a busy office generates.
The last few months have been in stark contrast to this time last year, where we were run off our feet, the temporary downturn has allowed us valuable thinking time, giving us an opportunity to investigate ways to improve our company. It’s enabled us to examine current strategies & possible improvements to existing processes .

Anne Broadley – Senior Operations Manager
Two months ago, we barely had enough desks for the number of people that frequented our office day to day. I now have the choice of all of them, every day but I am happy with this.
I am comforted by that, because we have safely ensured that our staff are set up remotely and are operating in the comfort and security of their own homes. Audiologic has always been a family and never has it shown more so than now, with everyone pitching in, helping others, and embracing the changes.
With remote working, we have had to tighten communication within my own teams and across other departments, which has benefitted Audiologic and its staff immensely, in just getting to know more about what each of us do. Our internal processes have adapted swiftly, and I am proud that we have not had to shut our warehouse, at any point.
We have continued to manage and exceed customer expectations, as we always have, COVID has not changed that. We will maintain our focus on fulfilling customer requests and as our customers return to their new normal, we will be there to support them.
Andy Lewis – Managing Director
Throughout the obvious challenges faced, not only personally, but commercially by our industry and beyond during the lockdown, the team here at Audiologic have continued to do everything possible to stay safe, positive and productive on behalf of themselves, our customers and the business.
Whilst some of our team members have helped the business through a quieter than normal patch by accepting a period of furlough, they’ve devoted some time to training ready for coming back to work when the world starts turning normally again.
Those who have kept the doors open one way or another have adapted fantastically to working from home – some for the first time – and have continued to offer the best level of service we can under some strange circumstances. For now – Zoom, Teams, emails and phones are our windows to your worlds, and we look forward to seeing you on screen, or when allowed in person, soon.