Tech Tuesdays - New AMC iAC Range

In last week’s Tech Tuesday, Anna looked at the new AMC iAC amplifiers launched earlier this year. As a team, we’re excited about these amps as they have so many applications to fit into! Let’s have a look at where we see these amps excelling:
As mostly single channel amplifiers, these amps are perfect for rooms running ceiling speakers 100V or low impedance for a mono front of house, or upgrading to the dual channel for stereo. As they are RS232 controllable, the iAC range gets along very well with control systems which are integrated in VC systems more commonly now. With the increase in networked audio solutions, the option for a Dante version of these amps allows them to accompany modern installations easily.

In the classroom AV environment, equipment needs to “just work” and still hit key budget points. The AMC range is known for their reliability, and the cost-conscious price point makes these great for educational applications. With the iAC2x240, this powerful amp can fuel school halls, multi-purpose rooms, any size room requiring audio. The amp’s ability to power both low and high impedance means its flexibility equals simple deployment.
The AMC iAC amplifiers are the perfect supplement to installations – their flexibility in supporting any application had lead to our preference for this range. Be it Boardrooms, Education, background music, or anything else, these amps will rise to the task!
If you want to learn more about these amplifiers, please get in touch!