

UCI Licence


Q-SYS UCI Editor Licence - Core510i

Call for price

+44 (0) 1279 635 681

Key features

  1. No programming experience required: Build robust UCI screens by simply dragging any Q-SYS DSP or control element from the Q-SYS design schematic into the UCI Editor.
  2. Advanced visual styling: Create buttons with custom graphics for active/inactive/pressed states (QDS v.7 and higher), utilize page transitions and pop-up screens, import custom backgrounds and corporate logos (graphic file formats including .png, .jpg, .s
  3. Painless deployment: Simple, one-button deployment for UCI’s to native Q-SYS touch screens, from a single UCI, or hundreds of UCI’s across an enterprise installation.

What we say

The UCI Deployment licence unlocks the user interface feature - whether using a QSC touchscreen, QSC Control App for iPad, or UCI Viewer application for Windows, full QSC control is at your fingertips.

Anna ShahinApplication Support Engineer, Audiologic