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What our customers say
WhitwamAVI use Audiologic because they have a great range of products that integrate well and are backed up by responsive, professional sales and support teams.
Andrew Pymm
Whitwam AV Integration
Audiologic have an extensive range that covers every budget, but the real reason we buy from them is that their sales and technical support is second to none and the margins are good too.
Neil Manwaring
Elite AV
Audiologic are always first choice for us not just for competitive pricing but also for the great technical support they provide.
Suitable for ground level installation within the garden and around decking areas or mounted onto a tree, pole or garden fence, the new CLG160 speaker features a rigid polymer shell which ensures it is resilient to extreme weather conditions....
The mid-point WSS230 offers a step-up in performance – additions here include Monitor Audio’s renowned C-CAM metal drivers, delivering increased precision and detailed sonic characteristics.
The WSS230 makes you think again – the possibility of...
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