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WhitwamAVI use Audiologic because they have a great range of products that integrate well and are backed up by responsive, professional sales and support teams.
Andrew Pymm
Whitwam AV Integration
Audiologic have an extensive range that covers every budget, but the real reason we buy from them is that their sales and technical support is second to none and the margins are good too.
Neil Manwaring
Elite AV
Audiologic are always first choice for us not just for competitive pricing but also for the great technical support they provide.
VC60RX volume control is suitable for audio lines, where total line power is 60W. VC volume attenuator is suitable for public address and emergency systems with 4-wire installation because is built in 24V internal emergency relay.
Plastic spherical loudspeaker with 6.5“ (165 mm) woofer and 1“ (24 mm) tweeter. Coaxial speaker, 100 V transformer and 8 Ω power tap, power selector. Wide frequency range, conical sound dispersion. Wire rope in the cable - for safety. Two colour...
Plastic spherical loudspeaker with 6 inch (158 mm) woofer and 1 inch (25 mm) tweeter. High SPL level and wide frequency range. These coaxial loudspeakers have a natural sound reproduction. Used where high quality background music is required.
PC6HP high performance 8 Ω ceiling loudspeakers for low impedance background music systems. Metall grill with magnetic fixing are specially made with extra slim plastic edge in order to make minimum intervention to interior. Adjustable silk...
iLive 12HM headset microphones are ideally suited for vocal sound and speech application which requires much freedom of movement, such as dancing and sports. Microphone capsule diameter is only 3.0 mm. Light headsets allow using this headset very...
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