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WhitwamAVI use Audiologic because they have a great range of products that integrate well and are backed up by responsive, professional sales and support teams.

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Whitwam AV Integration

Audiologic have an extensive range that covers every budget, but the real reason we buy from them is that their sales and technical support is second to none and the margins are good too.

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Elite AV

Audiologic are always first choice for us not just for competitive pricing but also for the great technical support they provide.

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Fohhn LX-100 1201-E0A00

LX-100 Passive 2-way Line Array (Black)

The LX-100 is a passive 2-way line array for mobile applications and fixed installations. It was developed to guarantee first-class transmission of speech and music even in acoustically demanding rooms. The renowned Fohhn line sources combine the...

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+44 (0) 1279 635 681

Fohhn 6031-009P0

MA4.600-ANA System Amplifier

The MA-4.600 is a compact 4-channel digital amplifier with a 4 x 4 routing matrix. It is ideal for smaller and medium-sized projects and it's extremely flexible and cost effective. It can be easily integrated into media controls and is...

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+44 (0) 1279 635 681

Fohhn AT-05

Arc Series Passive Loudspeaker in Black

AT-05 is the smallest, passive full-range loudspeaker from the Arc series. It was developed for permanent installation and impresses with its broadband playback and compact dimensions. The loudspeaker is optimized for speech and music over short...

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+44 (0) 1279 635 681

Fohhn AT-05

Arc Series 100v line Transformer Speaker in Black

The AT-05 100v is the smallest passive full range speaker of the Arc series. It was developed for fixed installations and captivates with its broadband reproduction and compact dimensions. The loudspeaker is optimized for speech and music...

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Fohhn AT-05

Arc Series 100v line Transformer Speaker in White

The AT-05 100v is the smallest passive full range speaker of the Arc series. It was developed for fixed installations and captivates with its broadband reproduction and compact dimensions. The loudspeaker is optimized for speech and music...

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Fohhn AT-05

Arc Series 100v line Transformer Speaker in RAL

The AT-05 100v is the smallest passive full range speaker of the Arc series. It was developed for fixed installations and captivates with its broadband reproduction and compact dimensions. The loudspeaker is optimized for speech and music...

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